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Quackenbush: ANXIETY

my therapist joins me again on the show to talk about ANXIETY. Why it's good and how it can be bad. I always enjoy having Matt on. I think he knows his stuff but I see him more as a buddy than a "therapist". Brindy (Matt's Wife) also joined us as well and talked a lot about breath work and breath therapy. Thanks guys, always love having you on Matt. Thanks for all you do for me.

Robert Beatty

Founder and CEO of the mental health franchise, Zion Healing inc. Robert went from being on top of the world in his 30's as a young millionaire after his company went public. Alcohol and other things took Robert from the top to the bottom, when he was homeless for two years on the streets of Salt Lake City. After nearly dying, Robert found his way back to the top and has found success in helping other people heal and battle their own addictions. Thanks Robert, you're the man.

Matt Blanchard

Not sure how many people have experienced what Matt has. The pian he experiences is both improbable and cruel I think. How Matt endures it, is truly inspiring. Loved hearing his persepctive and what his 90% looks like. Thanks Matt! I admire your courage and ability to find a little beauty in a lot of ugly.

Nathan's Story

On this episode of The 10 Ninety Podcast we talk about Nathan from Australia.   Throughout Nathan's life he has dealt with abandonment from parents, introduction to drugs and alcohol at an early age, and using anger to cope with his trauma.  Nathan sought help from doctors and was not seeing improvements from the prescribed medication.  After a number of different traumas that Nathan faced he eventually met Craig Lithgow.  Craig opened up his heart to Nathan and this was the beginning of improvement for Nathan.  Nathan's story is a reminder of the importance of human connection.  Like Nathan we all seek connection through different ways.  We talk about how genuine connection with people who care for you and show you love is some of the best medicine available.

Parker Lee

On this episode of the 10 Ninety podcast we interview Parker Lee. We talk with Parker about the chaos you can invite into your life through people pleasing. How to balance the principle of we>me while living a life authentic to yourself. We talk about the importance of not comparing your pain to others.

Matt Quackenbush: AKA goat therapist

Matt is masons therapist but more of a friend really. Matt is the man and we talked about a lot of cool stuff in this episode. -how to develope trust in a theraputic relationship -what is the goal of a therapist -the heros journey also: Ryan Garner wrote a tasty jam and i love it but Ryan was to worried to post it so I talked to his wife denise and we are posting his whole song. Hope you guys like it as much as i do. If you dont like it, then you make one. You write and do the music for your own entire song and then you upload it to spotify or apple music or whatever. go make your own.

Questions Sent In

Sam and Mason answer questions sent in by listeners. Unfortanetly we only got through one question because the firtst question was "whats the purpose of life" and they went on a tangent for 40 minutes about it. We will get to more of the questions in our next episode. thanks for the questions and for all the support. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what your going to do about it.

Tim Drisdom

Tim Drisdom dicusses his experineces with Racism, what it was like playing for legendary coach Rick Majerus at the University of Utah were Tim was apart of 3 conference championships and had a trip to the sweet 16. Tim also discusses his experience with losing loved ones and his faith in Christ which is fitting for easter weekend.

Tyler Hall

Tyler Hall, the former CEO of Drivably talks to us about almost losing his wife to a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. In this episode we talk about how lifes challenges often times force us to reframe, to change, and to focus on what really matters.

Episdoe 30 The Johari Window

Sam and Mason discuss the Johari Window concept. The Johari Window is a framework for understanding conscious and unconscious bias that can help increase self-awareness and our understanding of others.  We hope you like the episode.

Race Sawyer AKA Deuces Wild

I invited my sister shannon, brother sage, sister carlie, and sis in law keshia (Races Wife) to my house on January 17th to celebreate races birthday.  I told them I want to sit around and talk about race. I said I want to record it and upload it to the 10nintey podcast so hopefully 200 years from now races great great great grandkids can know how cool he was listening to some of these stories. The accident is fresh on our mind and the conversation was hard. I love my family so incredibly much. I am so blessed to have the parents and siblings that i do. Race I miss you so much bro. Grief over Race has been much different than grief over Rider and Kortni and Riggins and Franki. I wish i talked to my brother more. i wish he knew how much i looked up to him and how much i loved him. im not sure why i didnt talk to him as much as i wished i did when he was still alive. this is not a usual 10/90 podcast. no sam, no sponsor, not really a 10/90 message just my siblings talking about race. the podcast is similar to a journal for me, so im happy to post this today. the quality of the audio isnt great. there was 5 of us spread out across two mircrophones. ryan garner is mad at me that I didnt use his special microphones. sorry my grammer sucks. LIVE WILD!

Zach Josie: Ironman Athlete

Zach Josie has a rare form of dwarfism and is currently training for another Ironman. Zach is a great example of facing obstacles, accepting his circumstances, and moving forward despite that physical competition is harder for him. His drive is inspirational!

Brandon Vega: Ghetto Conscious (EATN)

Sam and Mason sit down with Brandon Vega, the author of Ghetto Conscious and creator of the EATN project. Brandon shares his incredible story of growing up in a tough neighborhood (to say the least) in Florida and how he was able to break the narrative and find success through his E.A.T.N. philosiphy.

Episode 25: The Kings Highway

Sam and Mason talk about how life is more simple than we sometimes make it. Waiting for something shiny and new isn't what's stopping you from enjoying life. Honor your life by being grateful for what you have right now.

Episode 11

Mason and Sam visit with Alec McMorris as he shares his inspirational story of survival and rehab after being hit by a pickup truck in Parley’s Canyon.  This episode is sponsored by McMorris Deck’s and Structures.  Call 801-834-8098 for a free estimate.

Episode 12

Mason and Sam visit with Carrie McKee as she shares her challenging story of surviving breast cancer and a traumatic divorce.  Her strength and attitude will inspire.  This episode is sponsored by Joel Carter.  Check out his amazing artwork Thanks for the support!

Episode 13

Happy Halloween! Sam and Mason answer questions sent in by listeners. Questions ranging from religion, pizza, sams dwarfism and more. Thank you for all our supporters it has meant so much to us.

Episode 14

Sam and Mason discuss the childrens book; "The Empty Pot" and how it ties into the 10ninety message.

Episode 15

Sam and Mason talk to Mitch Whetman as he discusses the tragedy of his sister taking her own life when she was sixteen years old. Suicide is a big issue especially in Utah. Talking about it more is something we believe may help and bring awareness to such a sad issue. We were impressed with Mitch and his willingness to discuss difficult issues that hit so close to him and his family. Whitney Whetman had a family life that was full of love, care, peace, support, and friendly competition. She loved all sports and activites but basketball was her true love. She was proud to be a member of the WJHS Lady Jags basketball team where she had many sisters and inspired a strong camaraderie. Her big smile and fun personality will always be missed.

Episode 16

Cristie North sits down with Sam Josie and Mason Sawyer to discuss the tragic loss of her son Taylor who took his own life on January 6, 2017. Cristie shares some powerful words of wisdom in this episode focused on mental health and suicide prevention. Cristie has started her own podcast: Pieces of a Women as well as starting the Taylor Hagen Foundation which focuses on suicide prevention. Crisite is a great example of taking something so terrible and trying to make something great out of it.

Episode: 17

Sam and Mason answer questions sent in by listeners out of their peaky blinders hat. Topics include: dating, sam overcoming discrimination, Kortni's favorite quote, who will win the nba finals, tattoos, disabilites, types of therapy and more.

Episode 18

Sam and Mason sit down with Porter Larsen who shares his powerful story of when he lost his brother Racer in a skydiving accident and then 10 years later loses his Dad to a brain aneursym.

Episode 19 The Raft

Sam and Mason discuss The Parable of the Raft which they heard from Noah Rashetta's podcast: Secular Buddhism. Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go" -Hermann Hesse

Episode 20 (part 2)

"Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you respond to it." -Charles Swindoll Thank you Tim and Becky Graff.

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Episode 19 The Raft

Sam and Mason discuss The Parable of the Raft which they heard from Noah Rashetta's podcast: Secular Buddhism. Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go" -Hermann Hesse

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