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Kelly Jewel

On this episode of The 10 Ninety Podcast we talk with Kelly Jewel.  14 years ago Kelly lost her husband Clint to Leukemia.  Mason and Kelly talk about the importance of talking about your grief throughout your life because the grief will be with you forever.  Mason and Kelly talk about the battle you have with hope as you're going through trauma.  Kelly talks about how the grief of Clint's passing has been on her mind more as her kids get older.  Kelly talks about the moments before Clint's passing, hyper fixating on small moments, and how opening up about her pain helps her carry it better.

Kimberly Howard

On this episode of the 10 Ninety Podcast we interview Kimberly Howard.  On June 28th, 2013 Kimberly lost her son Keaton to a boating accident at Lake Powell.  Mason and Kimberly talk about how there's no way to prepare for grief.  They talk about the importance of feeling all of the emotions that come with trauma, life's synchronicities, and understanding that every person grieves differently.

Brie Ocea

On this episode of the 10 Ninety podcast we interview Brie Ocea.  On July 4, 2022 Brie lost her son Romeo to a drowning accident.  Brie shares with us details about the day of the accident and her experience dealing with grief.  Mason and Brie talk about the difficulties of sharing their stories to help others while also dealing with the criticism and the perception other people may have of them.  They talk about the difficulties of losing a child so young because others will never know them like they did.  They talk about the unfairness of them being unable to experience all that this life has to offer.

Kuri Bolger

On this episode of The 10 Ninety podcast we interview Kuri Bolger.  On March 5th 2022 Kuri and her family were involved in an F4 tornado in Winterset Iowa.  Kuri, her son Brysen, her brother, and her stepfather were the only survivors.  Kuri lost her husband Mike Bolger, her daughter Kinlee, her son Owen, and her mother Melissa Bazley.  In this episode Mason and Kuri talk about the difficulties of grieving multiple people at the same time.  They also talk about how the best way to honor the loved ones they have lost is to live a life they would be proud of.  They talk about how sharing their grief with others has given them strength and helps them feel closer to the loved ones they have lost.


On this episode of The 10 Ninety Podcast Mason and Ryan talk about things that probably should be left to qualified professionals.  We talk about top 10 states that struggle with suicide and depression and discuss whether there's a difference between grief and clinical depression.  If you're hurting.  Please talk to someone.

Kortni Sawyer: Happy Birthday

This is not a normal 10/90 episode, Sam was not in on this one. Mason sits down with Kortni's siblings Jordin, Jared and Chad and talk about Kortni on her birthday. Kortni's sister KC was really sick and couldn't make it, so that was a bummer. Wanted to have memories of Kortni so Blue and his kids and whoever else can know how incredible she was. Love you Kortni, happy birthday, SLAPSHOT REGATTA

questions sent in by listeners

Thank you for the questions sent in and all the support from our 10ninety listeners! Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what your going to do about it.

Tangled: Franki's favorite movie

Sam and Mason dicuss Franki's favorite movie Tangled in honor of Mason and Kortni's 10 year anniversary and Franki's 4th Birthday. Franki: Happy Birthday Princess. Today you would have turned four. I am grateful and cherish the life you had and the joy you gave everyone including me. I am haunted by what once was mine. Haunted by the future and what could/should have been. Love you forever and always Franki. Kortni: How lucky am I to love someone so much to feel this miserable. Death and pain has shown me how much love I truly have for you. Trying my hardest without you. Haunted by what could have been and so lucky to have what we did. I'd go through hell over and over again if it meant being with you and having Riggins, Blue, and Franki. Slapshot regatta! Love you always and forever. Happy 10 year anniversary Kort.

Jeff Olsen

After a horrific automobile accident took the lives of his wife and youngest son, also inflicting multiple life-threatening injuries to Jeff (including the amputation of his left leg) he found the courage to survive over 18 surgeries and eventually heal both physically and emotionally. At the time of his accident, Olsen had incredible Out-of-Body and Near-Death Experiences, bringing him insights not common in today’s world. Jeff has integrated these experiences into everyday life, inspiring others to embrace the beauty around them and choose joy in all they do. Olsen’s latest book, WHERE ARE YOU? is a collaboration with his oldest son Spencer, who also survived the accident at the age of seven. They have captured in a simple and powerful way their healing journey through the innocent perspective of that seven year old child. “Where Are You?” is a heartfelt book for all ages and perfect for anybody who misses someone. Among Jeff’s many accomplishments, he is most fulfilled by simply being a husband, father and friend. *we copied and pasted this from the internet. No one from 10/90 wrote this discription.

No Regrets

My honest opinion and my friendly advice is this: do it or do not do it-you will regret both. -Sören Kierkegaard

Preston Schooley

Sam and Mason sit down with Preston Schooley and discuss how he turned down a safe, high paying job to pursue his dream as a tattoo artist. Preston also talks about his divorce and how life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what you do about it. Preston did a lot of sweet tattoos for me that have a lot of meaning, and he crushed them all. Thanks Preston!

Monkeys, Zebras and Job

Sam Josie is back! On this episode of The 10 Ninety Podcast Mason and Sam discuss a story about monkeys in a cage trying to get a banana, zebras with targets on them, and the alleged true story of Job from The Bible.

Wyatt Kline: Mothers Day Episode

We smiled back at death today. Had Wyatt Kline on our podcast an 18 year old senior from Roy High School in Northern Utah. Wyatt's mom took her own life when he was 15 years old. Wyatt was the one who found his mothers body. Wyatt has a 10ninety mindset and we were blown away with how strong he is. Part of the 10ninety message is we is greater than me. Mason's wife Kortni was a prime example of this in her day to day life. She genuily put her kids first and loved it. Motherhood in general comes with the territory of we is greater than me. Happy Mothers Day

Questions Part 2

Sam and Mason answer questions sent in by listeners. They did more than one question this time. Thank you for all the support we have gotten. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what you're going to do about it.

Levi Lieske

Levi Lieske spent the majority of his youth in jail and prison. He has a powerful story of overcoming many obstacles, at the center of his story is gratitude. Something that i have struggled with since the car accident. His message of being grateful in the toughest of times was very inspiring to me. Thank you Levi! "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what your going to do about it.

Craig Lithgow

Craig Lost his wife and two kids in a car accident in Australia in 1996. Craig reached out to me after seeing one of our 10/90 clips. Craig and I have become great friends and it means a lot for me to have someone to lean on that understands my pain and grief as well as he does. I feel like Craig is the older, Australian version of me haha. No matter what type of hell you are going through, if you handle it well, you will be able to help someone else who will go through that same hell. Thank you Craig for handling your pain and grief the way you have to help others and me 27 years later. Love you man. So I flew to Australia spent the week with Craig and did some amazing healing. One of the things we did was record this podcast. Hope you enjoy.

Logan and Ciara Raban

On this episode of the 10 Ninety Podcast we talk with Logan and Ciara Raban about their son Duke.  At 7 months Duke was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer called ATRT.  Logan and Ciara walk us through the days leading up to the diagnosis, their time with Duke at Primary Children's hospital, and the moments just before Duke's passing on June 29th, 2021.  Logan and Ciara share with us how they have processed the passing of their son differently and how they have maintained love and understanding for each other through their grief.  Almost immediately after Duke's passing they found out Ciara was pregnant with Brooks.  Brooks is now 18 months old.  Logan and Ciara are an example of "clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose." They are wonderful parents and we know that Duke and Brooks are proud to call them Mom and Dad.  #DukeStrong

Christian Sandoval: TAT

On this episode we talk with Christian Sandoval.  Christian is a retired veteran serving in the United States Army and ended his career as a Master Sergeant.  He has a Masters degree in Human Performance and a Masters in organizational leadership.  He is the owner  and operator of TAT (total athlete performance).   TAT helps athletes improve their speed, agility, strength, conditioning, and nutrition.   On this episode we talk with Christian about facing the coward in all of us, leadership, the transfer portal for athletes, stoicism, the importance of intention, and building resilience in the body and mind.

Golden Buddha from Finding Joe

Craig Lithgow told me about this movie called "Finding Joe" which is based off of the life and teachings of Joseph Campbell and what he calls the hero's journey. So we watched the movie together when we were in Australia and I loved it. One of my favorite parts of the movie was the first scene. It was about this golden budah. Thought I would share some of the thoughts I had about it.

Parker Lee

On this episode of the 10 Ninety podcast we interview Parker Lee. We talk with Parker about the chaos you can invite into your life through people pleasing. How to balance the principle of we>me while living a life authentic to yourself. We talk about the importance of not comparing your pain to others.

Nathan's Story

On this episode of The 10 Ninety Podcast we talk about Nathan from Australia.   Throughout Nathan's life he has dealt with abandonment from parents, introduction to drugs and alcohol at an early age, and using anger to cope with his trauma.  Nathan sought help from doctors and was not seeing improvements from the prescribed medication.  After a number of different traumas that Nathan faced he eventually met Craig Lithgow.  Craig opened up his heart to Nathan and this was the beginning of improvement for Nathan.  Nathan's story is a reminder of the importance of human connection.  Like Nathan we all seek connection through different ways.  We talk about how genuine connection with people who care for you and show you love is some of the best medicine available.

Matt Blanchard

Not sure how many people have experienced what Matt has. The pian he experiences is both improbable and cruel I think. How Matt endures it, is truly inspiring. Loved hearing his persepctive and what his 90% looks like. Thanks Matt! I admire your courage and ability to find a little beauty in a lot of ugly.

Robert Beatty

Founder and CEO of the mental health franchise, Zion Healing inc. Robert went from being on top of the world in his 30's as a young millionaire after his company went public. Alcohol and other things took Robert from the top to the bottom, when he was homeless for two years on the streets of Salt Lake City. After nearly dying, Robert found his way back to the top and has found success in helping other people heal and battle their own addictions. Thanks Robert, you're the man.

Quackenbush: ANXIETY

my therapist joins me again on the show to talk about ANXIETY. Why it's good and how it can be bad. I always enjoy having Matt on. I think he knows his stuff but I see him more as a buddy than a "therapist". Brindy (Matt's Wife) also joined us as well and talked a lot about breath work and breath therapy. Thanks guys, always love having you on Matt. Thanks for all you do for me.

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Episode 19 The Raft

Sam and Mason discuss The Parable of the Raft which they heard from Noah Rashetta's podcast: Secular Buddhism. Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go" -Hermann Hesse

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