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Jen Petersen

Jen and her Husband Chad were getting ready for a family vacation when Chad accidentely backed over their daughter Natalie in the driveway. Your life can and most likely will be shattered in an instant one day. What will remain is how you choose to handle it. We appreciate Jen having the courage to tell her story and share how she is handling her grief. Natalie, you sound amazing. Please go find Riggins and Franki and Rider if you haven't already. They would love to play and watch Frozen with you.

Jana White

On this episode of The 10 Ninety Podcast Mason talks with Jana White.  Jana has been a high school psychology teacher and cross country coach for over 20 years.  She has trained as a triathlete for most of her life and completed an ironman.  Jana is a badass.  In 2014 Jana lost her father and mother, Hubert Issel and Alana L. Uibel to a side by side accident.  Jana's son Cooper and niece Evelyn were also involved in the accident.  Jana worked as an EMT prior to the accident and talks to us about what she did to help save her son's life.  Cooper suffered a traumatic brain injury from the accident and his recovery is an amazing story of turning trauma into triumph.  Jana talks to us about helping her kids work through life's challenges and never giving up.  Jana talks to us about the accident, her journey with grief, and the experience helping h er son Cooper with his recovery. Jana is a true hero, not just in that terrible moment with her family, but ever since then, her 90% is inspiring.

Seth Gehle

"You may not be responsible for getting knocked down. But you're certainly responsible for getting back up." -Wally Amos Seth Gehle was not responsible for his dad being in prison after trying to kill his mom, his mom being a drug addict and having addicts come and go as they pleased in and out of Seths house and bedroom. Seth found comfort in a adult friend who provided attention, food, shelter and safety. And then this adult "friend" ended up sexually molesting Seth over 300 times as well as raping him. Seth was not responsible for many things in his life, but it is his responsibility to get back up, and I'm not sure how he does it, but he does. Some parts of this episode are gross and will make you sick to your stomach but Seth deserves a place where he can talk about his trauma and all the details that come with it. Imagine being raped as a young boy, and no one wants to hear you talk about it. Not even the good guys want to hear you talk about it. Well, that's dumb. I am glad you felt comfortable sharing your story Seth. Love you man.

Sammy and Andrew Hardman

In this episode of The 10 Ninety Podcast Mason talks with Sammy and Andrew Hardman.  On February 10, 2022 Sammy and Andrew lost their son Drayke Andrew Hardman to suicide. They talk about Drayke's love for basketball, his kind heart, the day of and the battle in the hospital while Drayke was in a coma, the Hardman's journey with grief, and what we can do to help kids who are being bullied.

Amanda Hurst

In this episode of The 10 Ninety Podcast, we sit down with Amanda Hurst.  Amanda lost her husband, Clever Hurst, to suicide on June 5th, 2020.  Mason and Ryan talk with Amanda about the persistent taboo surrounding suicide and the need to recognize signs of depression in those we care about.  They discuss the experience Amanda had being married to Cleve for 12 years, the nuances between grief and depression, and the crucial importance of reaching out for help if you're experiencing suicidal ideation.

Episode 15

Sam and Mason talk to Mitch Whetman as he discusses the tragedy of his sister taking her own life when she was sixteen years old. Suicide is a big issue especially in Utah. Talking about it more is something we believe may help and bring awareness to such a sad issue. We were impressed with Mitch and his willingness to discuss difficult issues that hit so close to him and his family. Whitney Whetman had a family life that was full of love, care, peace, support, and friendly competition. She loved all sports and activites but basketball was her true love. She was proud to be a member of the WJHS Lady Jags basketball team where she had many sisters and inspired a strong camaraderie. Her big smile and fun personality will always be missed.

Episode 14

Sam and Mason discuss the childrens book; "The Empty Pot" and how it ties into the 10ninety message.

Episode 13

Happy Halloween! Sam and Mason answer questions sent in by listeners. Questions ranging from religion, pizza, sams dwarfism and more. Thank you for all our supporters it has meant so much to us.

Episode 12

Mason and Sam visit with Carrie McKee as she shares her challenging story of surviving breast cancer and a traumatic divorce.  Her strength and attitude will inspire.  This episode is sponsored by Joel Carter.  Check out his amazing artwork Thanks for the support!

Episode 11

Mason and Sam visit with Alec McMorris as he shares his inspirational story of survival and rehab after being hit by a pickup truck in Parley’s Canyon.  This episode is sponsored by McMorris Deck’s and Structures.  Call 801-834-8098 for a free estimate.

Episode 10

This week Mason and Sam interview Shawn Vierra as he shares his story of trauma and how he has been able to move forward. This episode is sponsored by Polished Audio.  Thank you for your support.

Episode 9

Sam and Mason sit down with Brook Pando as she discusses the obstacle of having their daughter Londy suffer from Ehlers Danlos Syndrome type 6a. Their attitude and perserverance is inspiring. Thank you to our sponsors!

Episode 8

Sam and Mason answer questions sent in by listeners. This episode is sponsored by Desert Pain Specialist of St. George Utah. As well as Synergy Dance Academy of West Jordan Utah. Thank you for your support.

Episode 7

Mason and Sam visit with Nick and Janessa Whatcott as they share their journey of losing their young son, Nixon, to cancer.  Their story is inspirational.  This month is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Do something to brighten the life child battling cancer.   This episode is sponsored by G.O.A.T. Athletic Spa in South Jordan, Utah.  Thank you for listening and for  your support.

Episode 6

Mason visits with Fred Yogo, who shares his life’s challenges of growing up in Kenya and then immigrating to the United States.   “Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.”   - Epictetus Thanks for this week’s sponsor, Dr. Jason Bruse, foot surgeon in Davis County.  801-397-6150 And Nets on Fire for their continued support.


On this episode of The 10 Ninety Podcast Mason and Ryan talk about things that probably should be left to qualified professionals.  We talk about top 10 states that struggle with suicide and depression and discuss whether there's a difference between grief and clinical depression.  If you're hurting.  Please talk to someone.

Kuri Bolger

On this episode of The 10 Ninety podcast we interview Kuri Bolger.  On March 5th 2022 Kuri and her family were involved in an F4 tornado in Winterset Iowa.  Kuri, her son Brysen, her brother, and her stepfather were the only survivors.  Kuri lost her husband Mike Bolger, her daughter Kinlee, her son Owen, and her mother Melissa Bazley.  In this episode Mason and Kuri talk about the difficulties of grieving multiple people at the same time.  They also talk about how the best way to honor the loved ones they have lost is to live a life they would be proud of.  They talk about how sharing their grief with others has given them strength and helps them feel closer to the loved ones they have lost.

Brie Ocea

On this episode of the 10 Ninety podcast we interview Brie Ocea.  On July 4, 2022 Brie lost her son Romeo to a drowning accident.  Brie shares with us details about the day of the accident and her experience dealing with grief.  Mason and Brie talk about the difficulties of sharing their stories to help others while also dealing with the criticism and the perception other people may have of them.  They talk about the difficulties of losing a child so young because others will never know them like they did.  They talk about the unfairness of them being unable to experience all that this life has to offer.

Kimberly Howard

On this episode of the 10 Ninety Podcast we interview Kimberly Howard.  On June 28th, 2013 Kimberly lost her son Keaton to a boating accident at Lake Powell.  Mason and Kimberly talk about how there's no way to prepare for grief.  They talk about the importance of feeling all of the emotions that come with trauma, life's synchronicities, and understanding that every person grieves differently.

Kelly Jewel

On this episode of The 10 Ninety Podcast we talk with Kelly Jewel.  14 years ago Kelly lost her husband Clint to Leukemia.  Mason and Kelly talk about the importance of talking about your grief throughout your life because the grief will be with you forever.  Mason and Kelly talk about the battle you have with hope as you're going through trauma.  Kelly talks about how the grief of Clint's passing has been on her mind more as her kids get older.  Kelly talks about the moments before Clint's passing, hyper fixating on small moments, and how opening up about her pain helps her carry it better.

It's not about the nail

On this episode of The 10 Ninety Podcast Mason and Ryan talk about how people aren't looking for you to fix their problems when something bad happens.  They talk about how sometimes its about being emotionally supportive.

Ryan Stream

On this episode of The 10 Ninety Podcast we interview Ryan Stream.  Ryan Stream is TEDx speaker, best selling author, Veteran, and entrepreneur.  Ryan shares his story about growing up in poverty, battling drug addiction, going to war, and building his life up from rock bottom.  Ryan talks about how life happens for you instead of life happening to you.  He shares with us gifts that he’s been given that have impacted his life and people who have seen the potential within him when he couldn’t see it himself.  Ryan’s a great dude.  Happy to have met him and share time with him on this podcast.

7 Deadly Sins

Mason and Ryan go a bit off the rails on this one.  Listen at your own risk.

Mitch Whetman (part 2)

On this episode of The 10 Ninety Podcast Mason and Ryan talk to Mitch Whetman.  If you haven't heard Mitch's story go back and listen to episode 15 where we first talk about Mitch's sister Whitney.  Whitney passed away from suicide on July 16, 2010.  Mitch said in the first episode we recorded with him that when you lose a loved one, "they die in pieces."  Since our last interview Mitch got married and had his first baby, and son, Nashton Bret Whetman.  On this episode we talk about the difficulty of accepting the good things happening in your life when your loved ones aren't there to witness it.  We talk about what we do to tap into the idea of We>Me and we talk about Mitch's spiritual journey while walking with grief.

Tim and Becky Graff

On this episode of the 10 Ninety Podcast we talk to Tim and Becky Graff for the second time.  To hear the full story about the day they lost their daughters you can go back and listen to episode 20.  On May 11, 2020 Tim and Becky lost their two daughters Ellie and Kinsley to a flash flood while hiking through Little WIldhorse Canyon.  During this episode we talk about what Tim and Becky are doing 4 years later and what they do to manage their grief.

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Episode 19 The Raft

Sam and Mason discuss The Parable of the Raft which they heard from Noah Rashetta's podcast: Secular Buddhism. Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go" -Hermann Hesse

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