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Golden Buddha from Finding Joe

Craig Lithgow told me about this movie called "Finding Joe" which is based off of the life and teachings of Joseph Campbell and what he calls the hero's journey. So we watched the movie together when we were in Australia and I loved it. One of my favorite parts of the movie was the first scene. It was about this golden budah. Thought I would share some of the thoughts I had about it.

Christian Sandoval: TAT

On this episode we talk with Christian Sandoval.  Christian is a retired veteran serving in the United States Army and ended his career as a Master Sergeant.  He has a Masters degree in Human Performance and a Masters in organizational leadership.  He is the owner  and operator of TAT (total athlete performance).   TAT helps athletes improve their speed, agility, strength, conditioning, and nutrition.   On this episode we talk with Christian about facing the coward in all of us, leadership, the transfer portal for athletes, stoicism, the importance of intention, and building resilience in the body and mind.

Logan and Ciara Raban

On this episode of the 10 Ninety Podcast we talk with Logan and Ciara Raban about their son Duke.  At 7 months Duke was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer called ATRT.  Logan and Ciara walk us through the days leading up to the diagnosis, their time with Duke at Primary Children's hospital, and the moments just before Duke's passing on June 29th, 2021.  Logan and Ciara share with us how they have processed the passing of their son differently and how they have maintained love and understanding for each other through their grief.  Almost immediately after Duke's passing they found out Ciara was pregnant with Brooks.  Brooks is now 18 months old.  Logan and Ciara are an example of "clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose." They are wonderful parents and we know that Duke and Brooks are proud to call them Mom and Dad.  #DukeStrong

Craig Lithgow

Craig Lost his wife and two kids in a car accident in Australia in 1996. Craig reached out to me after seeing one of our 10/90 clips. Craig and I have become great friends and it means a lot for me to have someone to lean on that understands my pain and grief as well as he does. I feel like Craig is the older, Australian version of me haha. No matter what type of hell you are going through, if you handle it well, you will be able to help someone else who will go through that same hell. Thank you Craig for handling your pain and grief the way you have to help others and me 27 years later. Love you man. So I flew to Australia spent the week with Craig and did some amazing healing. One of the things we did was record this podcast. Hope you enjoy.

Levi Lieske

Levi Lieske spent the majority of his youth in jail and prison. He has a powerful story of overcoming many obstacles, at the center of his story is gratitude. Something that i have struggled with since the car accident. His message of being grateful in the toughest of times was very inspiring to me. Thank you Levi! "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what your going to do about it.

Episode 5

A visit with Matt Quackenbush as he shares his expertise and insights as a trauma therapist. He is the owner and creator of the Finding Strength Podcast and the Finding Strength Method, a cutting edge therapeutic treatment approach.  He and has been instrumental in helping Mason as a therapist. This episode is sponsored by  Alex Pedroni of Utah Real Estate .  Find her at @your_realestategirl for all your real estate needs. Thank you so much for your support.

Episode 4

Mason and Sam answer listener questions that have been sent in.  Literally pulling the questions randomly out of a hat. They cover questions ranging from religion, conversations with Blue, Lebron vs Jordan, their most embarrassing moment, keeping perspective, and more.

Episode 3

Mason and Sam discuss the challenges Sam faced growing up with Dwarfism along with along with challenges he faces everyday as an adult with Dwarfism. Join us in continuing our discussion of overcoming obstacles by applying the 10/90 method. This week's episode is sponsored by Priority Property Maintenance. 

Episode 2

Mason and Sam discuss the night of the car accident that took the lives of Mason's wife, son, daughter, brother, and nephew. Join us in focusing on how we need to open up more and talk about our obstacles. Thank you to our sponsor macronsbybreanna.

Episode 1

Mason and Sam introduce the 10/90 rule. Thank you to our sponsor Nets On Fire.

Episode 1

Mason and Sam introduce the 10/90 rule. Thank you to our sponsor Nets On Fire.

Episode 2

Mason and Sam discuss the night of the car accident that took the lives of Mason's wife, son, daughter, brother, and nephew. Join us in focusing on how we need to open up more and talk about our obstacles. Thank you to our sponsor macronsbybreanna.

Episode 3

Mason and Sam discuss the challenges Sam faced growing up with Dwarfism along with along with challenges he faces everyday as an adult with Dwarfism. Join us in continuing our discussion of overcoming obstacles by applying the 10/90 method. This week's episode is sponsored by Priority Property Maintenance. 

Episode 4

Mason and Sam answer listener questions that have been sent in.  Literally pulling the questions randomly out of a hat. They cover questions ranging from religion, conversations with Blue, Lebron vs Jordan, their most embarrassing moment, keeping perspective, and more.

Episode 5

A visit with Matt Quackenbush as he shares his expertise and insights as a trauma therapist. He is the owner and creator of the Finding Strength Podcast and the Finding Strength Method, a cutting edge therapeutic treatment approach.  He and has been instrumental in helping Mason as a therapist. This episode is sponsored by  Alex Pedroni of Utah Real Estate .  Find her at @your_realestategirl for all your real estate needs. Thank you so much for your support.

Episode 6

Mason visits with Fred Yogo, who shares his life’s challenges of growing up in Kenya and then immigrating to the United States.   “Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.”   - Epictetus Thanks for this week’s sponsor, Dr. Jason Bruse, foot surgeon in Davis County.  801-397-6150 And Nets on Fire for their continued support.

Episode 7

Mason and Sam visit with Nick and Janessa Whatcott as they share their journey of losing their young son, Nixon, to cancer.  Their story is inspirational.  This month is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Do something to brighten the life child battling cancer.   This episode is sponsored by G.O.A.T. Athletic Spa in South Jordan, Utah.  Thank you for listening and for  your support.

Episode 8

Sam and Mason answer questions sent in by listeners. This episode is sponsored by Desert Pain Specialist of St. George Utah. As well as Synergy Dance Academy of West Jordan Utah. Thank you for your support.

Episode 9

Sam and Mason sit down with Brook Pando as she discusses the obstacle of having their daughter Londy suffer from Ehlers Danlos Syndrome type 6a. Their attitude and perserverance is inspiring. Thank you to our sponsors!

Episode 10

This week Mason and Sam interview Shawn Vierra as he shares his story of trauma and how he has been able to move forward. This episode is sponsored by Polished Audio.  Thank you for your support.

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Episode 19 The Raft

Sam and Mason discuss The Parable of the Raft which they heard from Noah Rashetta's podcast: Secular Buddhism. Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go" -Hermann Hesse

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